Dr. Antonelli talks about the retroperitoneal approach to RPN

In this edition, we have Dr. Maria Carmen Mir (ES), chief editor of the UROONCO RCC editorial board, together with Prof. Alessandro Antonelli (IT) from the University of Verona and director of the Department of Urology at Borgo Trento Hospital, talking about the retroperitoneal approach to robotic partial nephrectomy (RPN).

Published Sun, 27 Nov 2022
PodcastKidney CancerEAU GuidelinesTechnologyRPNEAU Robotic Urology SectionUROONCO RCC
Organiser EAU
Duration Approx. 6 minutes

Prof. Antonelli begins this interview with a review on transrectal and transperineal for retroperitoneal partial nephrectomy. He shares his experience and expert-knowledge on the likelihood of conversion of surgical strategy.

Dr. Mir and Prof. Antonelli conclude with a discussion on the X series systems from Intuitive and if they are mandatory for retro or not.

This expert interview took place during ERUS22, in Barcelona.

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