
The impact of the EAU Guidelines is underpinned not only by a stringent methodology, but also by the multidisciplinary nature of the panels including the involvement of patient representatives.

The EAU Guidelines Office is committed to ensuring that patient engagement is meaningful and that patients receive training and are equipped with the necessary skills to allow them to effectively contribute to guidelines development. To realise this ambition the Guidelines Office has defined a model for patient participation in guidelines development supported by a number of recommendations to guide the panels in how they can achieve effective patient engagement. To support the panels in this initiative the Guidelines Office has also produced a patient role description, patient-specific handbook and patient-dedicated training module. The first two patient training sessions were held last year and we continue to actively recruiting patient representatives across all panels.

EAU Guidelines Office Patient Representatives

Mrs. I. Benedicte Gurses, Blaerekreft (NO)
Mr. R. Wood, Blaerekreft (NO)
Mr. J. Redlef, Kolding (DK)
Mr. S. Sæbjørnsen, Blaerekreft (NO)
Dr. E. Briers, Hasselt (BE)
Prof. Dr. R.H. Giles, Utrecht (NL) – IKCC
Mr. H. Gremmels, Utrecht (NL)
Mr. D. Di Nardo, Napoli (IT)
Mr. J. Osbourne, ORCHID (UK)
Mr. K. Manzie, ORCHID (UK)
Mr. J.D. Marcus, New York (NY, USA)
Mrs. M. De Heide, Tiel (NL)
Mrs. C.W.L. van den Bos, De Lier (NL)
Mrs. M.L Van Poelgeest-Pomfret, The Hague (NL)
Ms. J. Birch, Pelvic Pain Support Network (UK)
Ms. Lynne Poelgeest, WFIP (NL)