Current scenario for kidney transplant programmes in Europe after the pandemic: Should we change protocols?

The objective of this webinar is to evaluate the effect that the COVID pandemic has had previously and for the future. The following questions will be discussed by a panel of experts on kidney transplantation representing both the EAU Section of Transplantation Urology and the EAU Working Group on Paediatric Urology.

Published Thu, 19 May 2022
E CourseTransplantation
Organiser ESU
Duration Approx. 60 minutes

Has the donor selection strategy been modified? Will it influence the evaluation of the recipient? Should we add some type of pre-transplant prophylaxis or modify immunosuppression? Is or will the pediatric recipient be especially sensitive or, on the contrary, less affected by the pandemic? Join us on the 31st to find out the current thinking.

CME: This webinar is accredited with 1 European CME credit (ECMEC®) upon completion of the questionnaire after attending the live webinar.

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