Ureteroscopy in children: from technology to evidence

The worldwide incidence of paediatric stone disease is increasing significantly that it has become an important clinical issue in paediatric urology practice. According to the EAU Guidelines, every effort should be made to render the children stone-free due to the disease's recurrent nature.
Published Mon, 17 Jul 2023
E CoursePaediatric UrologyUreteroscopy
Organiser European School of Urology (ESU)
CME 1.00
Duration Approx. 60 minutes

Ureteroscopy (URS) is one of the most commonly performed modalities for stone fragmentation in children. The miniaturisation of the devices has enabled the treatment of stones at every location of the urinary tract. In this e-course, we will discuss the different aspects of this treatment with the experts in this field. All urologists and paediatric surgeons with a special interest on paediatric urology and stone disease are welcome to attend. This e-course is organised by the EAU Working Group on Paediatric Urology (EWPU) and the EAU Section of Urolithiasis (EULIS).

Contact our organiser

European School of Urology (ESU)

Email:  educationonline@uroweb.org